
Bird News Friday 14th February

42 Waxwing are at Cherryvale playing fields, Ravenhill Rd, Belfast at the back of Knockeden Park (Dermot Hughes)

4 Twite where at Whitehead seafront.(Ian Enlander)

76 Waxwings were at Lockview Road Car Park, Stranmillis at 4pm (Sam Thomas)

3 Waxwing where seen at No. 12 The Beeches, Drumahoe.(Graham Mitchell)

A 1st winter Glaucous Gull was at Portrush. (Marc Hughes)

A Hawfinch visited a garden in Dunadry on Thursday.(Mark Smyth). The bird is at: 62 Islandreagh Drive, Dunadry
The house is to the right of the thatched house and the bird table is approx 5m away. It is narrow road so please park with consideration.

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