
Bird News Thursday 13th February

A male Brambling has been visiting a garden in Glencairn Estate, Belfast. (Ivan Dalglish).

There was no sign of the Waxwings in Cabin Hill Park this morning, the berry tree they were feeding in is now stripped so they have probably moved elsewhere. (Derek Polley).

The Ring-billed Gull was seen again at the lower pond at Belfast Waterworks. (Michael Orr)

31 Whooper Swans seen this afternoon. Feeding in a ploughed field beside the Masonic Hall on the north side of the Blaris Road, Lisburn (Tom Trouton)

Portrush today had 1 1st W Glaucous Gull on Corbally Reservoir, and in the harbour 1 Red-throated Diver. Also Ramore Head had 2 Ravens. (Ken Perry, John Clarke, James McDowell, Hill Dick)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Derrynoid Forest, Draperstown on 11th February (Geraldine Fox)

Glaucous Gull, Hill Dick:

Waxwings from yesterday, Garry Wilkinson:

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