
Bird News Saturday 31st October

A Snow Bunting was at the entrance to Castlerock beach this morning and yesterday a Long-tailed Duck was in the channel at Myroe.  (Richard Donaghey).

The Long-tailed Duck was still in the channel at Myroe today. (Birdguides).

A Red Kite was in the Antrim hills. (Kenny Moore).

The Cattle Egret was present again at Castle Espie this morning. (Matthew, Castle Espie).

23 Sandwich Terns were at Portaferry this morning. (John Wilson Foster).

A Snow Bunting was on Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A Brambling was at Kilskeery, Co. Tyrone. (Ivan Foster).

A Brambling was in a garden in north Antrim. (Dick Glasgow).

Thanks to Kevin O'Grady for the picture of the Sparrowhawk, to Thomas Campbell for the pictures of the Whooper Swans and the Golden Plovers, to Ric Else and Hazel Watson for the picture of the Snow Bunting and to Ivan Foster for the picture of the Brambling:

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