
Bird News Sunday 1st November

6 American Golden Plover are with the Golden Plover flock at Ballykelly (Garry Armstrong) At least one American Golden Plover was still present at 1.30 before the Golden Plover flock flew off. (John Spottiswood).

A 1st winter Glaucous Gull was at the Barmouth (Theo Campbell)

The Dark-bellied Brent Goose was still at the Floodgates, Newtownards (Wilton Farrelly)

A Long-tailed Duck and a Great Northern Diver were in the channel at Myroe. (Ian Dickey)

A Black-throated diver was off Carnalea this afternoon. (Philip Watson)

A Great Northern and 2 Red-throated Divers were at Grey Point Fort beside Crawfordsburn (Sam Thomas)

Two Grey Phalarope was at the Killough Harbour outer wall. (Chris and Rachel Veale)

The Great White Egret was on Strangford Lough, at the bridge over the stream near Ranoval Cottages on Ringneill Road (Dave & Amy Weir)

The American Golden Plover was again on rocks between Portstewart and Portrush. (Jeff Larkin / Tony Dodds)

8 Twite were at the boatyard in Whitehead. (Cameron Moore).

American Golden Plover, Tony Dodds:

Rachel Veale, Grey Phalarope:

Great White Egret, Amy Weir:

Brambling, Dick Glasgow:

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