
Bird News Monday 2nd November

A Red Kite was seen being mobbed by corvids over the fields to the rear of Ballyregan Road, near Dundonald, Co. Down. The bird then flew in a westerly direction towards the Stormont area (Don Scott)

Two juvenile American Golden Plover are at Ballykelly / Myroe. Also present were the juv Long-Tailed Duck, 2 Pink Footed Geese and 2 Slavonian Grebe (Stuart McKee)

A Glaucous Gull was in Burger King car park ,Coleraine.(John Clarke) see pic below

Two Ruffs were at the Moneycarragh high tide roost in Dundrum South Inner Bay today.(David Nixon)

Our thanks to John for the photo of the Glaucous Gull. Also to Mervyn Guthrie for the Grey Plover. Bottom photo from David Nixon shows the two Ruff 

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