
Bird News Saturday 4th September

The Bonaparte's Gull was in Kinnegar Waterworks this morning. (Richard Hunter). The bird was on Kinnegar Shore early afternoon (Daniel Newton). It was at the wall along the sewage ponds at 6pm before flying out to Kinnegar shore (Wilton Farrelly)

The two Little Stints, three Curlew Sandpipers, eleven Ruff, three Sanderling and two Knot were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Garry Armstrong / Richard Hunter)

The Spotted Redshank was at Lady’s Bay, Lough Neagh (Michael Latham) A juvenile Little Ringed Plover is also present (Garry Armstrong)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was visiting a garden at Ballyrobert (Patricia Lindsay)

The high tide roost at Mill Bay, Carlingford Lough had a Little Stint, Whimbrel, five Knot and 6 Brent (Richard Gray).

A Redwing was on Copeland (Billy Miskelly)

Many thanks to all who share bird sightings and photographs. You can see more pics of local birds at

Spotted Redshank, Michael Latham:

Little Ringed Plover, Michael Latham:

Ruff and Snipe, Richard Hunter:

Bonapartes Gull, Ivan Quail:

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