
Bird News Sunday 5th September

The Little Ringed Plover has relocated to Portmore Lough RSPB this afternoon. (Richard Caves)

The Spotted Redshank was still at Lady Bay, Lough Neagh. (Billy Miskelly).

The Great White Egret was in the south west corner of Lough Beg and 8 Ruff were at Mullagh. (Richard Hunter).

Two Curlew Sandpiper and a Little Stint are at the Bann Estuary (John Spottiswood/ Jeff Larkin)

A Spotted Redshank is at Ballyhalbert Beach (Kevin Kirkham)

The Bonapartes Gull was seen this morning at Kinnegar (Ed O’Hara)

RSPB WoW had 2 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Little Stints, a Sanderling and 13 Ruff (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop / Carol Gillespie). 2 Sanderling and 2 Knot were also at Kinnegar. (Ian Enlander).

St Johns Point this morning had 2 Arctic Skua, 2 Great Northern Divers and 40 Common Scoter. (Wilton Farrely, Garry Armstrong).

A Marsh Harrier was hunting at Portmore Lough RSPB this evening. (Paul Toner, Charlie McFarlane).

At least a hundred Greylags flew south over Antrim this evening, 30 also passed over last night. (Davy Hunter).

Thanks to Richard Caves for the pictures of the Little Ringed Plover, to Richard Hunter for the picture of the Great White Egret, to Michael Latham for the picture of the Spotted Redshank, to Stephan Maxwell for the picture of the Sanderling and to Ed O'Hara for the picture of the Bonaparte's Gull:

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