
Bird News Friday 29th October

 A Snow Bunting was on Portstewart Strand this morning. (Stephen Riddell).

3 Ring-necked Duck where at Ardmore, Lough Neagh. 

The Snow Bunting at Ramore in Portrush was on the bowling greens this morning. (Jeff Larkin). The Snow Bunting was still present this afternoon and the Glaucous Gull was at Burger King in Coleraine. (Richard Donaghey).

A female/juvenile Hen Harrier was at St John’s Point, along with a late Swallow, around lunchtime. (Steve Grieve and Colin Mayes)

The Twite flock 15+ was still feeding on the shoreline beside the Community centre in Donaghadee.(Ian Graham)

A male American Wigeon but with some aspects of the head pattern indicating possible Eurasian Wigeon influence was at the south end of Lough Beg this afternoon. The Long-billed Dowitcher also still present.(David Steele)

Juv male Hen Harrier and two Merlins hunting over beet fields, St John’s Pt this afternoon; also strong passage of Skylarks and finches after morning rain; summer plumage GN Diver on the sea; another Merlin later flying south off Killough Coastguard; five Whoopers roosted o/n on Strand Lough.(Chris Murphy)

Two Slav. Grebes were on Lower Lough Erne.(Brad Robson) 

Thanks to David Steele for the picture of the Cattle Egret from Lough Beg yesterday, to Stephen Riddell for the picture of the Snow Bunting from Portstewart Strand and to Colin Mayes for the picture of the Hen Harrier:

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