
Bird News Saturday 30th October

The Cattle Egret was at the south end of Lough Beg, the Great White Egret was at Paddy's Dub and 15 Ruff were in the south west corner. (Richard Hunter).

The Marsh Harrier was still at Portmore Lough RSPB. (Michael Latham).

Forty Three Pinkfeet and over twenty Twite flew low south east over Castlerock this afternoon. (John Spottiswood/Richard Grey).

An adult Little Gull and an adult Mediterranean Gull were at Kinnegar shore this afternoon. (Gareth Platt).

A ringtail Hen Harrier was at Portmore Lough RSPB this evening. (Seamus O'Hara).

Thanks to Gareth Platt for the picture of the Little Gull, to Guy Hamilton for the picture of the Kingfisher and to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Marsh Harrier:

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