
Bird News Monday 25th October

17 Twite are at Donaghadee shoreline in front of car park opposite Copeland Cafe & Community Centre (Bob Watts)

A Slavonian Grebe was at the Strand, Church Island, Lough Beg. (David Morrow)

The two Great White Egrets and twenty one Little Egrets were at the Ballycarry end of Larne Lough this morning. (Ian Enlander).

Islay Boat Trip - Those who went on yesterday’s boat trip from Ballycastle to Islay saw 22,000 Barnacle Geese at the RSPB's reserve at Loch Gruinart as well as a wide range of other wildfowl and raptors. There are two seats available on each of the trips to Islay this Friday (29th). Contact Jim Wells on 07856235144 for full details.

Thanks to Ian Enlanderfor the picture of the Great White Egret and to Bob Watts for the picture of the Twite:

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