
Bird News Sunday 24th October

A Cattle Egret was beside the Bann at Toome - on the East bank with grey herons opposite Nicholls filling station (Richard Gray)

12 Twite were at Murlough Bay and a Hen Harrier at Fair Head, Co Antrim (Michael Latham)

A male Ring-necked Duck was found off the Farland Bank Inch, Co Donegal and a female was beside the causeway. (Theo Campbell)

A Barn Owl was seen at Magheradartin Road, Hillsborough this morning (Garry Wilkinson)

Two Great White Egret, 7 Ruff, Barnacle Goose & a Pink Footed Goose were at the South end of Lough Beg this morning (Richard Hunter / Richard Gray)

At least 21 Snow Bunting were at Tower Hill, Malin Head (Ronan McLaughlin)

A flock of 15 or so Twite were feeding along the shore opposite the community centre in Donaghadee this afternoon. (Jonny Andrews)

A Ring Ouzel was seen at Ballyconagan, Rathlin. At least 20 Snow Bunting were also present (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

A juvenile Arctic Tern was at Sandeel Bay, Orlock. (Richard Weyl)

Cattle Egret, Richard Gray:

Twite, Michael Latham:

Twite, Jonny Andrews:

You can see more pictures of local birds at:

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