
Bird News Saturday 23rd October

Yesterday 2 Carrion Crow, Jack Snipe and Twite were at Myroe levels. Today a Red Kite was at Limavady. (Gerard Murray, Peter Phillips and John Cusack).

The Great White Egret and the Barnacle Goose were both still at the south end of Lough Beg. (Richard Hunter).

The Marsh Harrier was still at Portmore Lough RSPB. (Suzanne Belshaw)

A Snow Bunting and 5 Twite near Marconi's Cottage, Ballycastle. (Neal Warnock)

A female Common Scoter was off the Croaghan hide at Oxford Island. (Garry Armstrong).

A Green Sandpiper was seen briefly at Shaw's Lake County Armagh. (Joe Devlin).

Our thanks to Thomas Campbell for this image of a juvenile Gannet. Also to Alastair McLean for the Wheatear.(Greenland race) and to Suzanne Belshaw for the picture of the Marsh Harrier:

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