
Bird News Saturday 2nd October

The Pectoral Sandpiper and the Marsh Harrier were both at Portmore this morning (S Riddell/Ed O’Hara).

Two Ruff were still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Bob Watts).

A Puffin was amongst a feeding flock of Gannets close inshore at Carnalea this afternoon. (Philip Watson).

A juvenile Black Tern was over the ponds at Mullagh this afternoon. (David Steele)

A Yellow Wagtail was seen on Ballymoney Road, Banbridge this morning. (Alison Mastin Moore)

A Snow Bunting was at White Park Bay. (Robert Plant).

A probable Osprey was near Church Island,  Lough Beg this afternoon. (Hugh Evans).

Our thanks to Michael Latham for this pic of a Red Kite taken in the Dromara Hills and to Robert Plant for the pictures of the Snow Bunting:

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