
Bird News Sunday 3rd October

A Pectoral Sandpiper was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning,  one Ruff was also present. (Garry Armstrong).

13 Pinkfeet were on Islandmagee this morning. (Cameron Moore).

3 Wheatears were around Maud's cafe in Newcastle. (Ed O'Hara).

A juvenile American Golden Plover was in the ploughed field at the junction of Lomond Road and Broighter Road on the way down to Myroe. (Derek Brennan). The American Golden Plover was seen this afternoon in fields just beyond the footbridge at the west end of Myroe. (Martin Deehan).

93 Whooper Swans were along Broighter Road near Myroe. (Martin Deehan).

Two Black Terns were at Lough Beg today, one over the ponds at Mullagh and a second bird over the main lake. (David Steele).

The Bonaparte's Gull was at Kinnegar Waterworks again this afternoon. (Bob Watts) and also at Kinnegar Pools (Joe Lamont)

A Barn Owl was on the Crom Estate in Co. Fermanagh last night. (Paul Lynas, Rick Treacy).

All four of the boat trips to see the 30,000 Barnacle Geese on Islay are now fully booked. To meet demand a 5th trip is planned for Friday 29th October - leaving Ballycastle. Contact Jim Wells on 07856235144 for full details.

Thanks to Mike McLaughlin for the picture of the Buzzard:

Pectoral Sandpiper - Belfast WoW Reserve

Pectoral Sandpiper - Belfast WoW Reserve

Ruff - Belfast WoW Reserve

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