
Bird News Sunday 17th October

A Tundra Bean Goose was with 20 Pinkfeet and a large flock of Whooper Swans on the road down to Ballykelly Marsh. (Stuart McKee, Hal McCullough). The Bean Goose was still present at 17.00, with 24 Pinkfeet in a stubble field east of the road to the Saltmarsh. An immature redhead Goosander was with Mergansers off the river mouth at high tide. (Richard Grey).

A Pectoral Sandpiper was opposite the hide at the Barmouth. (Ian Dickey).

The Pectoral Sandpiper was again in the south west corner of Lough Beg, a Garganey was also present. 8 Pinkfeet were at Mullagh. (David Steele).

The Marsh Harrier was at Portmore Lough RSPB this afternoon. (Michael Latham).

The two Great White Egrets were still at Ballycarry Bridge, a Pinkfoot was also present. (Linda Thompson).

At least 150 Whooper Swans were between Burnally Road and Broighter Road on the way down to Myroe. (Felicity Currie & Nick Lynch).

The hybrid Ring-billed Gull was still at Millisle. (Richard Weyl).

3 Whooper Swans flew high east over Stormont this evening. (Paul Lynas).

Rathlin had 2 Brambling, a Mistle Thrush, Redwings and 41 Pinkfeet which have been commuting between the island and the mainland. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Thanks to Michael Latham for the picture of the Marsh Harrier, to Linda Thompson for the picture of the Great White Egrets and to Steven Fyffe for the picture of the Merlin from Copeland:

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