
Bird News Monday 18th October

A first year White-tailed Eagle was again on Rathlin today (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

There were 2 Greenland White-fronted Geese at Lomond Road / Myroe Levels (Lindsay Hodges)

30 Purple Sandpiper were at the Countryside Centre, Portrush (Juliet Fleming)

Juvenile White-tailed Eagle, Hazel Watson:

One of the Greenland White-fronts at Myroe was colour banded and was caught as a first winter male on Big Isle, Lough Swilly in November 2019. The mother of this bird was fitted with a satellite tracker and was recorded over two years returning from Greenland, visiting the North West and also south-west Ireland (when it then eventually relocated to the north west). Thanks to Lindsay Hodges for the picture and Tony Fox for this information.


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