
Bird News Wednesday 20th October

On Rathlin a Ring Ouzel was at Kinramer with what was almost certainly asecond bird at Kebble. A Fieldfare was present with Redwings along with 35 Pinkfeet and 12 Barnacle Geese. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson). The White-tailed Eagle was also seen again at Kinramer this afternoon.

The Long-billed Dowitcher was at the south end of Lough Beg, also present were 30 Ruff, a Garganey and the Great White Egret.(David Steele).

This evening, the two Great White Egrets were still at Ballycarry (Ian Enlander)

The Marsh Harrier was at RSPB Portmore (Richard Caves)

Visible migration at St Johns Point this morning included a Merlin, 180 Siskin, 11 Redpoll, 4 Twite, 40 Tree Sparrows and 400 Skylarks (Chris Murphy)

Marsh Harrier, Richard Caves:

Great White Egret, Ballycarry, Ian Enlander:

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