
Bird News Saturday 16th April

The two Little Gulls were still at Lough Mourne. (Richard Hunter). Two Mediterranean Gulls were also present (Ian Enlander)

Both Sedge and Reed Warblers have returned to Oxford Island. (Ed O'Hara).

At least 10 White Wagtails and 2 Wheatear were at Reedy Flats. (Garry Armstrong, Ed O'Hara).

A Crossbill and Twite were on Rathlin this morning (Kevin Kirkham)

Seven Wheatear and two Swallow were at St John's Point. Killard had4 Willow Warblers,  Sand Martin's and Swallows. (Bob Watts).

6 Whimbrel were at Dundrum Inner Bay south at the high tide roost. Several Yellowhammers were five miles north of Portaferry. (Michael Latham).

6 Red-throated Divers were at Magilligan. (John Clarke).

A White Wagtail was at Portballintrae this morning. (Donna Riddell).

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for the pictures of the Reed Warbler and the Common Tern, to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Whimbrel and the Yellowhammer, to John Mason for the picture of the Wheatear and to Donna Riddell for the pictures of the Willow Warbler and the White Wagtail:


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