
Bird News Friday 15th April

Two male Ruff are at RSPB WoW (Stuart McKee)

1 Brambling was at Drumbo playing fields. (Sam Thomas)

A Tree Pipit and two Crossbills along with good numbers of common migrants are on Rathlin this morning. Corncrake is calling sporadically. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson). Corncrake still calling this evening.(Kevin Kirham)

Five Whimbrel flew east over Kinnego Bay at Oxford Island. (Bob Watts)

A Dark-bellied Brent was with 310 Brent at Myroe, Lough Foyle this afternoon. Also present were 10 White Wagtails, a Carrion Crow and a minimum of 1000 Golden Plovers. (David Nixon)

House Martins and Swallows are now widely reported including five House Martins at Cloughmills. (Derek McClean).

Thanks to Thomas Campbell for the pictures of the Wheatear, Red-breasted Mergansers and the Black Guillemot: Also to Robert Plant for the Willow Warbler. 


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