
Bird News Thursday 14th April

A Sedge Warbler was at Kinnego hide at Oxford Island this morning. (Ed O'Hara).

The two Little Gulls were still at Lough Mourne, a White Wagtail was also present. (Bob Watts).

A Purple Sandpiper and Whimbrel were in Mill Bay Rathlin. A White Wagtail and three Wheatear were also on the Island (John, Tim, Jane, Jack and Noah Spottiswood)

A first winter Glaucous Gull was in Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy)

A House Martin was seen in Stoneyford (Seamus O’Hara)

A Grasshopper Warbler was at Drumlyon, Enniskillen this morning. (Ronan Owens)

The Redstart was looked for without success today.

Swallows and Common Terns are widely reported at present.

Wheatear, Michael Latham:

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