
Bird News Friday 26th August

The 3 Black Terns were still at Lough Beg this morning. (Richard Hunter).

Yesterday a leucistic Shag was at Bloody Bridge outside Newcastle. (Stephen Foster).

The Bann Estuary had a juvenile Mediterranean Gull, 4 Bar-tailed Godwits, a Knot and 274 Sandwich Terns. (John Spottiswood).

There was no sign of the Black Tern at RSPB WOW. 4 juvenile  Ruff, two Greenshank, two Common Sandpiper, a Knot and at least 12 Bar-tailed Godwits, some in summer plumage, were present (Wilton Farrelly/Tom Ennis)

Thanks to Stephen for the picture of the Shag and to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Sparrowhawk:

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