
Bird News Saturday 27th August

 An Osprey is at Woodburn Forest, Carrickfergus, at the upper South Woodburn Dam (George Stewart). The bird was still present at 4pm (Dakota Reid)

A Garden Warbler and Tree Pipit found at Runkerry (Richard Donaghey).

Two Green Sandpipers along the River Maine near Slaughter Ballymena this morning (Richard Hunter).

A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper is at Belfast Lough RSPB, also three Ruff and two Greenshank (Garry Armstrong).

A Slavonian Grebe is off Myroe (Dean Jones).

7 Brent Geese were off the Comber estuary this morning. (Richard Gray)

Seagahan Dam Armagh this morning had a Little Ringed Plover, 2 Green Sandpiper and 3 Ruff. (Joe Devlin)

A Great Skua was chasing terns at Magilligan Point (Chris Rankin)

3 Mediterranean Gull were off the hide at the Bann (John Clarke)

Two Little Gulls are at Lady Bay, Lough Neagh. One of them is a very fresh juvenile (Garry Armstrong)

A single wing tagged Red Kite was close to Killyleagh today. (Michael Latham)

Little Ringed Plover, Joe Devlin:

Red Kite, Michael Latham:

Bar-tailed Godwit, Thomas Campbell:

Osprey, Dakota Reid:

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