
Bird News Friday 4th November

A Great White Egret is at the Newtownards Floodgates this morning (Richard Gray)

A very unseasonal Turtle Dove in a Lisburn garden present for at least a week (via Garry Wilkinson).

A Little Gull is at Ballyholme beach in Bangor. (James Andrew).

A Great White Egret at Boa Island, Lower Lough Erne this afternoon (Michael Stimson).

Male and female Ring-necked Ducks from the Farland Bank hide at Inch Loch, Co Donegal, also White-rumped Sandpiper on wet fields opposite Tready hide (Brad Robson).

The ringtail Hen Harrier and Marsh Harrier still present at Portmore Lough RSPB (Richard Caves).

The Snow Bunting was still at Whitehead boatyard and 7 Whooper Swans flew over heading south. (Gerard McGeehan & Shirley Dunlop).

Rathlin today had 450 Redwings and a few Fieldfares being chased by a Peregrine, 2 flocks of Whitefronts, 19 and 5, a Snow Bunting and 2 Whooper Swans. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Thanks to Richard Caves for the pictures of the Hen Harrier:

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