
Bird News Thursday 3rd November

The Ferruginous Duck and female Ring-necked Duck were opposite the Tready hide at Inch Lake in Donegal. The White-rumped Sandpiper wasn't seen but may still be present, two Curlew Sandpipers have joined the wader flock. (Derek Brennan). The White-rumped Sandpiper and a Pectoral Sandpiper were present in a flooded field. (Chris Ingram).

A Snow Bunting flew over Straidkilly reserve heading towards Carnlough. (Ronald Surgenor).

Whitehead this morning had a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull and a Sanderling. Both Great White Egrets and the Spotted Redshank were at Ballycarry Bridge. (Kevin Kirkham).

A Barnacle Goose dropped into Kinnegoe Bay, Oxford Island this morning. (Ed O'Hara).

Two Chiffchaffs and a Merlin were at Kearney on the Outer Ards. (Dermot Hughes).

On the 2nd November a Yellow Wagtail was in a suburban garden in Bangor (Philip Watson)

The Snow Bunting was still at the boatyard in Whitehead today. (Cameron Moore & Niall Waterman).

The two ringtail Hen Harriers, female Marsh Harrier and a Merlin were at Portmore Lough RSPB today. (David McCreedy.

A male Pintail was at the Blackstaff end of Dundrum Bay. (Alastair Rae).

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the Snow Bunting, to Ed O'Hara for the picture of the Barnacle Goose and to David McCreedy for the pictures of the Hen and Marsh Harriers:

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