
Bird News Thursday 8th March

The adult Bonaparte’s Gull remains at Ballygally opposite the hotel; at the stream beside beach 0907 (Bird Information Services).

A White-tailed Eagle flew over the car on Boa Island, Co Fermanagh (Michael Stinson).

Two Waxwing still this morning in Bangor, behind the Carnegie Library at Ward Park (Bird Information Services).

The adult Ring-billed Gull again around Carrickfergus Harbour and the bins at the nearby McDonalds 1300 (Tony Dodds).

Adult Mediterranean Gull at Belfast RSPB WoW Reserve also drake Pintail and 110 Wigeon (Martin Bradley / Derek Polley / Bob Watts).

The drake Smew remains at Gawley Gate, Lough Neagh (Stevie Brennan).

Smew, Stevie Brennan:

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