
Bird News Wednesday 8th March

Adult Ring-billed Gull Carrickfergus Harbour (Chris Murphy).

The adult Bonaparte’s Gull again on the beach in front of the Ballygally Castle Hotel, Ballygally. Also an adult Mediterranean Gull, Glynn, Larne Lough (Chris Murphy).

Single Green Sandpiper and Pink-footed Goose, 15 Whooper Swans opposite brickworks Killough (Chris Murphy).

Drake Ring-necked Duck from Croaghan hide, Oxford Island, Lough Neagh (Ed O’Hara).

A male Crossbill was seen in Woodburn Forest today (David Clarke).

Two Waxwings still in Ward Park, Bangor behind the Carnegie Library.

Ring-billed Gull, Michael Latham:

Crossbill, David Clarke:

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