
Bird News Friday 28th April

Female Pied Flycatcher near St John’s Point; first kink of lane leading to St John’s House (Tim Murphy). No further sign by 1120 (David Sterling).

2 Fieldfare over Somerset Wood (Dean Jones). 

2 Grasshopper Warblers reeling at the Barmouth and one at Castlerock Golf Course (Theo Campbell).

3 Common Swift and 2 singing Reed Warblers Oxford Island NNR (Ed O’Hara).

Grasshopper and Sedge Warbler at Portballintrae this morning (Donna & Stephen Riddell).

3 Common Swifts over Antrim Castle Gardens (Chris Hamilton).

Common Whitethroat, Grasshopper and Sedge Warbler at Ballycastle Coalfields. Also 12+ Bottlenose Dolphins heading West (Geoff Campbell).

Ring Ouzel from the Starbog Road just North of Capanagh Wood, near  Larne (Ian Dickey / Jonny Rossborough).

11 Common Terns at Belfast Lough RSPB Wow Reserve this evening, also Whimbrels and Wheatear in the vicinity (Daniel Newton).

A White-tailed Eagle on Rathlin would appear to be the same bird seen earlier in the week (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Grasshopper & Sedge Warbler - Donna Riddell:

Ring Ouzel, Jonny Rossborough:

Whimbrel and Wheatear, Juliet Fleming.

Turnstone, Terry Hanna.

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