
Bird News Saturday 29th April

There was no sign of the Pied Flycatcher in Kelly's Wood but 2 Grasshopper Warblers were present. 2 Wheatear, a Whitethroat, 4 Whimbrel and 2 Red-throated Diver were at St John's Point. (David Stirling).

Lough Beg this morning had 7 Whimbrel, a male Ruff and 12 White Wagtails. (Richard Hunter).

Reedy Flats this morning had a Pinkfoot, 3 Ruff, 65+ Whimbrel, 25+ White Wagtails and 5 Wheatear. (Garry Armstrong).

Another Whinchat was on Rathlin last night. (James Crymble).

A Common Swift was over Brompton Road in Bangor. (John Brehcist).

Locale Way near St. John’s Point had 2 Whitethroat and 6 Wheatear this morning. A Whitethroat was at Rossglass along with 10 Whimbrel, another Whimbrel was at Killough. (David Clarke).

Three male Garganey were at Lough Beg this afternoon - two together on the western shoreline (but elusive in the fringing fen) and another bird in flight over the main lake. Also seen were a Spotted Redshank, male Ruff, 50+ Whimbrel, 100+ White Wagtails and 20+ Greenland Wheatears. (David Steele).

11 Common Terns were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve and 39 Brent were on Kinnegar shore with Whimbrel and Wheatear also present. (Daniel Newton).

The Spotted Redshank is still at Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough. (Bird Guides).

100 Whimbrel were near Sandy Bay, Lough Neagh. (Joe Burns).

Thanks to David Clarke for the pictures of the Wheatear, Whitethroat and Whimbrel and to James Crymble for the picture of the Whinchat:

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