
Bird News Thursday 4th May

At least 8 Mediterranean Gulls were still at RSPB WoW. Common Tern numbers are now up to 35 in number. (Derek Polley)

An Osprey is at the Bann Estuary and it was last seen flying up river at lunchtime (Dean Jones). The bird was back again early afternoon (Richard Donaghey)

Circa 80 Whimbrel are at the Bann Estuary (John Clarke)

A Carrion Crow and 2 Whitethroat were at Orlock Point (Nathan Gilbert)

Circa 50 Whimbrel were at Dunseverick (Juliet Fleming)

A Pectoral Sandpiper was at Whitepark Bay at the Park end with Common Sandpipers and Dunlin (Patrick Barton)

Yesterday an adult Glaucous Gull was at the outfall of the Glencloy River, Carnlough (Graham McIlwaine)

Summer migrants such as Whitethroat, Swift and House Martin continue to be widely reported.

Sandwich Tern, Terry Hanna:

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