
Bird News Wednesday 3rd May

An Osprey at tea time at Lough Beg (David Steele).

A Cuckoo has returned to Killunaght near Dungiven but 11 days later than last year (Marian O’Hara).

2 Great White Egrets flew south past Ballymacormick Point at midday (William Smiton).

3 Common Whitethroat and a Cuckoo at Peatlands NP (Ed O’Hara).

Common Whitethroat at Whitepark Bay (Donna Riddell).

Cuckoo calling at Drumkeeragh Forest (Terry Hanna).

A new female Whinchat at Keble and substantial numbers of Greenland Wheatear on Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Swifts are now being widely reported so only exceptional counts will be itemised. Thanks to all our subscribers sending in their records.

Common Whitethroat, Donna Riddell:

Sedge Warbler, William Smiton:

Sand Martin, Terry Hanna:

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