
Bird News Tuesday 2nd May

 Linford - Knockdhu area had 2 'Greenland' Wheatear and a group of 57 Golden Plover. (Ian Enlander).

The juvenile dark-bellied Brent was with 15 Brent on the beach at Newcastle. (David Nixon).

Two Common Sandpipers were at the Bann estuary. (James McDowell).

A Cuckoo was at Altikearagh. (Donna Riddell/James McDowell).

A Red-throated Diver was at Bangor marina. (Ronald Surgenor).

Rathlin produced a couple of Cuckoos, another Whinchat and 35 White Wagtails (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Thanks to Ian Enlander for the picture of the Golden Plover and to Stephan Maxwell for the picture of the Sandwich Terns:

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