
Bird News Friday 25th August

 A single Ruff was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. (Daniel Newton).

Ramore Head this morning between 8.30 and 9.30 had a single Sooty Shearwater with small numbers of Manx Shearwaters, a dark phase Arctic Skua and a Great Skua. (Ivan Quail, Nicky Lynn).

The Bonaparte's Gull was at Kinnegar shore in Belfast Lough again this morning. (Ronald Surgenor).

There was no sign of the Black-headed Wagtail at Myroe up to 2.30pm but two Peregrines were present. (Mike McLaughlin, David McCreedy).

Two Arctic Skuas were chasing terns at Portstewart this morning. (John Clarke).

A Little Gull was at Magilligan this morning. (Stephen Riddell).

The Osprey is still at the Barmouth. (Ben McCook).

A dark phase Arctic Skua was off Magilligan Point. (Aaron Long).

A Black Tern and the Bonaparte's Gull are again on Kinnegar shore in Belfast Lough. The Black Tern headed towards Holywood at 4.45pm. (Daniel Newton)

The eclipse male American Wigeon was seen again at Lough Beg today, south of Church Island. Also at least two Garganey, a Green Sandpiper and six juvenile Turnstones present. (David Steele).

The Osprey and a juvenile Little Gull were at the Bann Estuary this evening. (Stephen Riddell).

A Great White Egret flew upriver at the Bann Estuary at 4.30 this afternoon. (David Nixon & Clifford Sharpe).

As well as the above five Ruff were off the hide at the Bann. (John Spottiswood).

A probable Pomarine Skua was at Larne, the bird appeared to be sick, but it flew off towards Cairndhu rowing club. (Jason Bain).

A sea watch at Ramore between 11.30 and 2.30 had 2 Little Terns, an Arctic Skua, Great Skua and Peregrine. (Shirley Dunlop & Gerard McGeehan).

Thanks to Daniel Newton for the picture of the Black Tern. to David Steele for the picture of the Turnstone. to Stephen Riddell for the picture of the Little Gull and to Jason Bain for the picture of the probable Pomarine Skua:

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