
Bird News Saturday 26th August

A Red-throated Diver was off Kinnegar shore this morning and the Ruff was still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve.  (Daniel Newton).

Yesterday afternoon between 2.30 and 3.00 from the Larne Cairnryan ferry there were 8 Sooty Shearwaters, 3 Storm Petrels, an Arctic Skua and 8 Arctic Terns. (Chris Murphy).

This morning a Little Gull and two Arctic Skuas were at Magilligan. (Aaron Long).

An Arctic Skua and a Great Skua were at Ramore this morning. (Stephen Riddell).

The Osprey and a Little Stint were at the Barmouth hide. (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn).

Two Wood Sandpipers and five Ruff are in flooded meadows along the Newry Canal north of Jerrettspass, Co. Down. (Joe Devlin). The Wood Sandpipers are still present this afternoon and have been joined by two Green Sandpipers. (Clifford Sharpe).

The Pomarine Skua seen yesterday at Larne was found dead this morning at the top of the slipway at Tweeds Port. (Linda Thompson).

A Mediterranean Gull was at Ballyholme this morning. (John McClean).

Five Whimbrel flew over Oxford Island this morning and nine White Wagtails dropped in around the Discovery Centre. (Ed O'Hara).

A two hour sea-watch off Castlerock coastguard lookout had a Red-throated Diver and two Black Terns heading west. (John Spottiswood).

Yesterday morning a juvenile White-tailed Eagle was resting on a marker post on Upper Lough Erne. The wing tag was a yellow D. (Colin Gates).

A Short-eared Owl and 20+ Twite were on Rathlin this morning. (Ric Else &Hazel Watson).

A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was at Myroe this afternoon. (Aidan Kelly).

The Bonaparte's Gull was seen again briefly at Kinnegar shore this evening. (John Spottiswood).

The Black-winged Pratincole was with Lapwings again at the Moyle end, Swilly side of Blanket Nook in Donegal, a juvenile Little Stint and 3 Ruff were also present. (Derek Brennan, Aidan Kelly).

90 mintes sea-watching on Rathlin produced an immature Sabine's Gull, Black Tern, 9 Sooty Shearwaters and 45 Arctic Terns. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Thanks to Colin Gates for the pictures of the White-tailed Eagle, to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Osprey. to John McClean for the picture of the Mediterranean Gull and to Joe Devlin for the picture of the Wood Sandpiper:

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