
Bird News Saturday 19th August

A Bonaparte's Gull was at Kinnegar shore this morning. (Daniel Newton). The Bonaparte's Gull returned on the falling tide, also present were a Ruff, Sanderling and a Spotted Flycatcher. (Stuart Cossey).

An Alpine Swift was with a Common Swift at Ballyconagan on Rathlin this afternoon. (Niamh McDevitt)

Four Black Terns were off Croaghan hide at Oxford Island, a LittleTern was also present. At least another 15 Black Terns were off the breakwater at the back of the Discovery Centre.  (Garry Armstrong, Ed O'Hara). At least 2 of the Black Terns were still off the Croaghan hide this afternoon. (David McCreedy, Michael Latham, Mark Smiles).

Magilligan Point had at least 10 Black Terns, 4 Little Terns, 3 Arctic Skua's and 32 Storm Petrels. (Dean Jones). At least 4 Black Terns, 4 Little Terns and 2 Storm Petrels were still present this afternoon. (Richard Grey).

A single Black Tern and 22 Ruff at Lough Beg this morning. (Richard Hunter).

3 Arctic Skuas and 3 Storm Petrels were at St John's Point this morning. (Stephen Dunbar).

Two Black Terns, a Common Tern, juvenile Mediterranean Gull, a Garganey and 45 Ruff were at Lough Beg this afternoon. (David Steele).

Two Black Terns and two Little Terns were at Portmore Lough RSPB this afternoon. Another Black Tern was briefly at Lady Bay. (Garry Armstrong).

A Spotted Flycatcher was at Oxford Island. (Conor McCoy).

An Arctic Skua was at Briggs Rocks this morning. (Richard Weyl)

Four juvenile Ruff were on the seaward side of the Roe estuary and 5 Goosanders, a female and 4 juveniles, were at Ballykelly. (Richard Grey).

A Curlew Sandpiper was at Blanket Nook in Donegal. (Chris Ingram).

An adult Sabine's Gull was off Fanad in Donegal. (Wilton Farrelly).

An Osprey was at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve this afternoon. (Aaron Long, Kevin Rice, Michael Latham).

An Osprey was at Seaghan in Co. Armagh. (John Anderson).

At least one Black Tern was at Kinnegar shore this evening. (Aaron Long).

A Curlew Sandpiper, 3 Sanderling and an Arctic Skua were at Portballintrae this afternoon. (Matthew Flood).

Thanks to Daniel Newton and Stephen Maxwell for the pictures of the Bonaparte's Gull, to Niamh McDevitt for the pictures of the Alpine Swift, to Donna Riddell for the pictures of the Arctic Skua and the Black Tern and to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Osprey:

Daniel Newton

Daniel Newton

Daniel Newton
Stephen Maxwell

Stephen Maxwell

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