
Bird News Friday 18th August

The Little Tern at Magilligan shows features of Least Tern. If anyone was able to hear or record the call, it would be greatly appreciated.

Yesterday a Pink-footed Goose was at Kinramer, Rathlin (Ric Else)

A Little Tern and dark phase Arctic Skua are at Magilligan (Jonny Rosborough)

An adult Sabines Gull was at Castlerock beach (Jonny Rosborough)

Two Whimbrel and two Carrion Crow were at Ballywalter Beach (Garry Wilkinson)

A high count of 75 juvenile Ruff were at Lough Beg today. Four Garganey were also seen. (David Steele)

Two Storm Petrels and a Little Tern were at St Johns Point this evening (Chris Murphy)

Little / Least Tern, Magilligan, Donna Riddell:

Little Tern, Jonny Rosborough:

Sabines Gull, Jonny Rosborough:

Arctic Skua, Jonny Rosborough

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