
Bird News Thursday 17th August

A moulting adult American Golden Plover was photographed yesterday afternoon flying down the channel between Dundrum Inner and Outer Bays. (Terry Hanna).

An Osprey flew over Rue Point on Rathlin today at 1.30 heading towards the mainland. (Philip McHaffie & David Nixon).

62 Ruff, including at least 50 juveniles, were at Lough Beg this afternoon, 3 Garganey were also present. (David Steele).

 3 Common Sandpipers were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. (Derek Polley).

A high count of 645 Ringed Plover were at Killough Harbour. Best of a one hour sea-watch at St John's Point from 12 noon: 2,200 Manx Shearwaters, an Arctic Skua, 10 Arctic Terns, a Kestrel and a Merlin (Chris Murphy, David Clarke, Bill Mitchell)

Thanks to Terry Hanna for the pictures of the pictures of the American Golden Plover and to David Clarke for the picture of the Gannets:

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