
Bird News Monday 11th September

4 Curlew Sandpipers still this morning at Kinnegar Pools (Daniel Newton & David Clarke). Still present this evening and a Mediterranean Gull on Kinnegar Shore (Daniel Newton).

Western Bonelli’s Warbler on Rathlin the 1st record for NI (James Crymble).  Found by the road heading towards the East bLighthouse and last seen at 10am but no further sign by 3pm (Tony Dodds). Looked for in the area and nearby suitable habitat 4-630pm (Viviana Bizzaro).The weather was overcast and wet during the day so in all likelihood the bird has relocated.

Pectoral Sandpiper along the canal bank at Poyntzpass this morning but no sign of the Yellow Wagtail or American Golden Plover (David McCreedy & Mike McLaughlin).

Red Kite near Castlereagh Hills Golf Club (Ian Young).

Arctic Skua, 2 Red-throated Diver and c50 Pale-bellied Brent Geese from Grey Point 1810-1930 (Wilton Farrelly & Bob Watts).

Western Bonelli’s Warbler, James Crymble:

Curlew Sandpipers with Dunlin & solo, David Clarke:

Yesterday’s Yellow Wagtail, Tony Dodds:

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