
Bird News Sunday 10th September

A Yellow Wagtail is in the flooded fields south of Pontzpass (Tony Dodds / Ian Young)

Four juvenile Curlew Sandpipers are on Kinnegar Pool (Garry Armstrong) and one on Kinnegar Shore (Billy Miskelly)

The adult American Golden Plover, Pectoral Sandpiper and 12 Ruff are south off Pontzpass, along Canal Bank in the flooded fields (Joe Devlin). A Green Sandpiper and Med Gull were also present this evening (Garry Armstrong)

A juvenile Yellow-legged Gull was on Kinnegar shore this morning before heading towards Holywood. (Garry Armstrong)

Brent Geese still continue to be reported. Over 200 were seen flying south at Glenarm (Pauline Majury). 100 were seen arriving off Grey Point and 24 over the Holywood Hills.

A Green Sandpiper was in a flooded field at Abbacy Road, north of Portaferry. (Ivan Quail)

In the last week, Copeland Bird Observatory has had Tree pipit x 2, Pom skua, Garden warbler, Short-eared Owl and Sabine's Gull.

The Great White Egret was on the west shore of Lough Beg to the south of Church Island this afternoon. (Godfrey McRoberts)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Tollymore (Chris Rankin)

Two Arctic Skua were off Grey Point (Wilton Farrelly)

Two Arctic Skua were off Magiligan this afternoon (John Clarke)

Malin Head, Donegal had a Great Shearwater, 7 Sooty Shearwater, a Sabines Gull, a Black-throated and Great Northern Diver between 9:45 and 11:40 (Dean Jones)

35 Twite were at the East Light, Rathlin (Ric Else)

American Golden Plover:

Curlew Sandpipers with Dunlin, Michael Latham: 

Curlew Sandpipers, Stephen Maxwell:

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