
Bird News Monday 4th September

Ruff at Belfast RSPB WoW Reserve this morning (Daniel Newton).

At the Bann Estuary last night 87 waders of 8 species were caught including single Bar-tailed Godwit and Ruff (Richard Donaghey).

An Arctic Skua was seen off Ramore Head this morning. Also 15 Purple Sandpipers (Donna & Stephen Riddell).

Moulting adult American Golden Plover from the Inch Marshes platform, Co Donegal at lunchtime (Derek Brennan).

2 Green Sandpipers and 3 Ruff in flooded fields at Aghantaraghan, Poyntzpass at lunchtime (John O’Boyle & Dermot Hughes).

2 juvenile Ruff at Millquarter Bay, Strangford Lough Narrows near Killard yesterday (Graham Mcelwaine).

Approximately 40 Brent Geese past Downhill Beach this evening (Dean Jones).

For the ultra keen Irish twitchers note that the Swedish ship Gunilla which left Iceland with 4 Cliff Swallows on board docks in Belfast at 10am tomorrow! It is taking part in the Belfast Maritime Festival over the weekend which takes place in the Titanic Quarter, its likely docking place tomorrow. In all likelihood it American hirundine payload departed the ship ages ago but you never know!

Bar-tailed Godwit, Jason Bain:

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