
Bird News Tuesday 5th September

Moulting adult American Golden Plover still from viewing platform at Inch Marsh, Co Donegal (Sean Cronin).

The Ruff is still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve this morning (Daniel Newton).

Circa 60 Pale-bellied Brent Geese flew east past Portstewart midday (Chris Hamilton & John Clarke).

Note that Gunilla was anchored off Bangor two days ago (Sunday) and Belfast yesterday. It is presumed that 4 Cliff Swallows that were on board when it left Reykjavik left the ship before arrival.

8 Pale-bellied Brent Geese late afternoon off Kinnegar shore (Ronnie Doggart).

Merlin in the Antrim Hills (Michael Latham).

At Lough Foyle today 16 Mediterranean Gulls at Ballykelly, a Yellow Wagtail, single Whimbrel and Ruff also 104 Little Egret at Myroe (Matthew Tickner).

Curlew, David Hill:

Pale-bellied Brent Geese, Ronnie Doggart:

Merlin, Michael Latham:

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