
Bird News Wednesday 6th September

A feeding frenzy of gulls and terns between Ramore and Rinagree included at least 6 Arctic Skuas this morning (John Clarke).

A Mediterranean Gull and good numbers of waders on the beach at Magilligan this morning (Donna & Stephen Riddell).

Moulting Curlew Sandpiper at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve with 10 Dunlin and 6 Knot, also Common Sandpiper and Kingfisher present (Gerard McGeehan & Guy Hamilton).

Lesser Black-backed Gull at Kinnegar Shore sporting a Portuguese ring F461 (Ronnie Doggart).

Pale-bellied Brent Geese are arriving back to Strangford Lough in good numbers; 200 by midday at the Comber River estuary (Dougie Gamble).

A group of 5 Ruff and a single Whimbrel where Kearney Point meets Knockinelder bay beach (Nathan Gilbert).

Northern Wheatear on rocks at Portstewart (Chris Hamilton).

A Ruff this evening with 25 Turnstones from the Bann Estuary hide this evening (John Spottiswood & James McDowell).

Juvenile White-tailed Eagle on Upper Lough Erne this afternoon (Richard Grey).

Lesser Black-backed Gull, Ronnie Doggart:

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