
Bird News Saturday 21st October

Mediterranean Gull at Portstewart Promenade this morning (Donna & Stephen Riddell).

Single Ruff at Belfast Lough WoW RSPB Reserve this morning and escaped Hottentot Teal still present (Daniel Newton).

White-rumped Sandpiper at Myroe feeding with Dunlin and single Curlew Sandpiper at river mouth. Also single Pink-footed and Barnacle Geese, 2 Greenland Whitefronts, with another 14 Pink-footed Geese overhead and a Barnacle x Canada Goose hybrid (Dean Jones).

Hawfinch on Tory, also a Lesser Whitethroat and 22 Brambling (Anton Meenan/Brian McCloskey/Chris Ingram/Theo Campbell/Joe Adamson).

3+ Great White Egrets flew over Portmore Lough RSPB; 6 egrets seen but only 3 of them photographed so possibly all Great White (Michael Latham).

Probable Carrion Crow and Wheatear at Newtownards Floodgates (Aron Long).

Slavonian Grebe and female Goosander Glynn (Ivan Quail & Nicky Dunlop).

Great White Egret still this afternoon Ballycarry Bridge (Adam Roberts).

Merlin chasing Jack Snipe at Templecooey (Wilton Farrelly).

3 Cattle Egrets from the Canal Bank Road, Poyntzpass (David Knight/Clifford Sharpe/Joe Devlin).

Osprey at the Bann Estuary 445pm (Alwyn)

A Spotted redshank was at Glynn (Nathan Gilbert)

Magilligan Point had 150 Sanderling and 12+ RT Diver (Tom Garner)

A possible American Herring Gull was seen from the Stranraer to Belfast ferry, near Carrickfergus (Mick Turton)

Thanks to Dean Jones for the White-rumped Sandpiper, Michael Latham & Adam Roberts for the Great White Egrets and Donna Riddell for the Mediterranean Gull:

You can see more pics at:

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