
Bird News Sunday 22nd October

The Great White Egret was still at Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough this morning. A Slavonian Grebe was at Glynn. (Aaron Long).

The Hawfinch was still on Tory Island. (Chris Ingram).

A Merlin and 2 Slavonian Grebes were at Myroe this morning. (Stephen & Donna Riddell).

Two Yellow-browed Warblers are on Rathlin. A Snow Bunting was at Mill Bay. (Dean Jones).

A Short-eared Owl flew in off the sea at Ballywalter beach. (Richard Weyl).

There is still one Great White Egret at Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough this afternoon. (David Clarke & Cameron Moore).

A Short-eared Owl, Hen Harrier and Merlin were all at Ballyquitan this afternoon. Wilton Farrelly).

A Red-throated Diver was off Kinnegar shore this evening. (Daniel Newton).

Thanks to David Clarke and Paul Hilton for the pictures of the Great White Egret and to Gareth Platt for the picture of the juvenile Whooper Swan:

David Clarke

Paul Hilton

Paul Hilton

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