
Bird News Friday 10th November

 The Bufflehead is still on Corbally Reservoir this morning. (Stephen Riddell). The bird was still present this afternoon. (Patrick Barton).

A Black Redstart is at Quay Lane in Killough. (Chris Murphy).

A flock of seven Cattle Egrets were at the south end of Lough Beg this morning but very mobile and restless over a wide area. Also seen today at Lough Beg were a single Great White Egret, a late Curlew Sandpiper (with Dunlins and Golden Plovers at the southwestern intake), nine Long-tailed Ducks still at the lake, two juvenile Hen Harriers hunting widely around the area and a Short-eared Owl flying high south over Mullagh. The flock of seven Cattle Egrets also seen again briefly in flight late afternoon.(David Steele)

The Lesser Scaup was still showing well at Stoneyford Reservoir. A ring-tailed Hen Harrier and 6 Great White Egrets were at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Paul Hilton).

A Snow Bunting is at Ramore Head in Portrush. (John Clarke).

An unidentified Eagle species flew over Augher heading towards Clogher or Fintona, Co. Fermanagh. A Brambling was in a garden in Fivemiletown. (Colin Bell).

A Short-eared Owl was at Ballymacormack Point. (Paul Hunter).

Bufflehead - David McCreedy

Bufflehead - David McCreedy

Short-eared Owl - Paul Hunter

Long-tailed Ducks - David Steele

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