
Bird News Thursday 9th November

A juvenile Bufflehead found at Corbally Road Reservoir, Portrush late morning still present mid afternoon. Not approachable and diving and feeding voraciously with no sign of any rings on legs so nothing to indicate a captive origin (John Clarke/Stephen Riddell/Bob Watts/Ian Young et al).

Yesterday on Rathlin 2 Merlins in a dramatic mid-air tussle, a late Arctic Skua chasing Kittiwkae, the first Goldeneye of the year, 4 White-fronted Geese, Kestrel and a Little Gull (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Late Sandwich Tern this morning on the Kinnegar shoreline (Jonathan Clark).

The Little Bunting remains on Tory Island (Anton Meenan)

A male Merlin was on the Ballyregan Road Craigantlet (Simon Morton)

Great Northern Diver, Whimbrel and Wheatear at Ballycastle this morning (Chris Easton).

2 Great White Egrets still at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning though distant (Juliet Fleming).

Waxwing at 43-51 College Square North, central Belfast at 4pm (Petro Pynnonen).

5 Purple Sandpipers, 2 Pink-footed Geese on Rathlin with 6 Greenland White-fronted Geese overhead (Ric Else/Hazel Watson).

A Barn Owl flew over the Ballyatwood Road, Ballywalter into the Dunleith Estate/Ballywalter Park at 930pm (Ian McKee).

Bufflehead, John Clarke:

Bufflehead, Bob Watts:

Little Gull, Ric Else/Hazel Watson:

Merlin, Rice Else/Hazel Watson:

Little Bunting, Anton Meenan:

Great Northern Diver, Chris Easton:

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