
Bird News Friday 3rd November

4 seats available for tomorrow’s boat trip to Islay. Please contact Jim Wells on 07856 235144 for full details.

2 Great White Egrets, Marsh Harrier and Peregrine at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning (Aaron Long/Garry Wilkinson/Michael Latham). No sign of Northern Harrier photographed on Tuesday by Brendan Esler. Short-eared Owl (Gerard McGeehan).

Female Ring Ouzel at Kebble on Rathlin, also a late Wheatear (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Great White Egret in flooded field opposite Nichols at Toome this morning (Kerry Leonard).

Jack Snipe in clearfelled area near Lough Navar viewpoint, Co Fermanagh (Clive Mellon).

A Snow Bunting at Black Mountain trig point this morning (Nigel Moore).

Great White Egret showing well south of Ballycarry Bridge (Kevin Kirkham).

2 Brambling near Strangford (David Stirling).

A Merlin at Ballymacormick Point this afternoon (James Andrew).

9 Long-tailed Duck including a male at Lough Beg this afternoon (David Steele).

The male Ring-necked Duck is still at Mill Lough, Bellanaleck, Co Fermanagh (Ronan Owens).

Northern Harrier, Brendan Esler:

Short-eared Owl, Michael Latham:

Black Guillemot, Juliet Fleming:

Greenshank, David Clarke:

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