
Bird News Thursday 2nd November

There is an unconfirmed report that a Spotted Sandpiper was seen in flight at Victoria Park, Belfast.

In Donegal, the drake Lesser Scaup was showing well from the Inch Island Causeway (Chris Ingram)

A female Ferruginous Duck, Long-tailed Duck, 7 Barnacle Geese and 130 Pink-feet were viewable from the Tready hide, Inch lake, Donegal (Chris Ingram)

Circa 40 Pink-footed Geese were at Cromore Road, 1 mile from Portstewart (John Clarke)

A Pallas's Warbler is on Tory (Anton Meenan)

A ring-tail Hen Harrier (the Northern Harrier could not be ruled out due to distance), Marsh Harrier and Great White Egret were at Portmore today (David McCreedy)

An exceptionally late Garden Warbler and 4+ Brambling, Crossbill, Twite and Little Gull were on Rathlin. Yesterday 3 Pintail, only the second record, were on the island. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson)

A Short-eared Owl and Snow Bunting were at Castlerock. (Simeon Cathcart).

Ferruginous Duck, Derek Brennan:

Drake Lesser Scaup, Derek Brennan:

Pallas's Warbler, Anton Meenan:

Garden Warbler, Ric Else

Marsh Harrier, David McCreedy

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