
Bird News Sunday 5th November

A first winter drake Lesser Scaup is at the east end of Stoneyford Reservoir (Garry Armstrong)

Male Brambling in a flighty mixed chaffinch/ tree sparrow (approx 30 of the latter) flock in stubble field opposite Nicholls, Toome. Also Great Egret flying south towards Lough Neagh. (Richard Gray)

Portmore this morning had a Marsh Harrier and 2 Great White Egrets (Kenny Moore)

Circa 40 Twite and a Merlin were at Ramore, Portrush (Richard Donaghey)

A White-tailed Eagle was at Inch, Co Donegal (Martin Deehan)

The Spotted Redshank and Great White Egret were still at Ballycarry (Michael Latham / Cameron Moore)

Two Black-throated Divers and a Long-tailed Duck are in Carnlough  Bay. (Jeff Larkin)

Mullagh, Lough Beg, had a ringtail Hen Harrier, 12 Ruff and the Spotted Redshank. A small wader with a white rump was seen distantly with the Golden Plover flock north of Long Point. (Richard Gray)

A Long-tailed Duck was at the Roe Estuary this afternoon. Also, 2 Snow Buntings seen briefly at Myroe levels. (Matthew Flood)

A single Waxwing flew over Rathlin harbour this morning. Also numerous Snow Buntings and a couple of flocks of Twite on the island. (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

Lesser Scaup, Garry Armstrong:

Lesser Scaup in flight, Daniel Newton:

Great White Egret, Ballycarry, Jason Bain:

Long-tailed Duck, Matthew Flood:

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