
Bird News Monday 6th November

The first winter drake Lesser Scaup is showing well at Stoneyford Reservoir this morning (Aaron Long). Still present 1330 (Bob Watts).

Great White Egret still at Portmore Lough RSPB to right of viewing platform (Martin Deehan).

Iceland Gull in flight at Portballintrae (John Clarke).

Little Bunting on Tory (Anton Meenan).

Female Great Spotted Woodpecker Stormont Estate (Barry McKee)

A possible Black-throated Diver was at Stoneyford Reservoir (Joe Lamont).

Amongst 89 species between Castle Ward and Killard, a Ruff with c200 Golden Plover at Cloghy, Swallow at Castle Ward, Great Northern Diver and Merlin at Killard NR (Stuart Cossey).

Purple Sandpiper and Snow Bunting on Rathlin today (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Lesser Scaup, Aaron Long:

Iceland Gull, John Clarke:

Little Bunting, Anton Meenan:

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