
Bird News Tuesday 7th November

 A Waxwing was along the Comber Road in Dundonald. (Jonathan Clark)

The Iceland Gull is still at Portballintrae, roosting on the rocks between the harbour and the carpark. (John Clarke).

A single Purple Sandpiper was on Whitehead seafront. (Ian Enlander).

The Marsh Harrier, Peregrine and 2 Great White Egrets were still at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning. (David McCreedy).

A Merlin flew over Kinnegoe Bay at Oxford Island. (Ed O'Hara).

The Lesser Scaup is still at Stoneyford Reservoir. (Tony Dodds).

There are now ten Long-tailed Ducks (including one adult male) at Lough Beg and a Red-throated Diver was also seen today. A Cattle Egret was at Mullagh. (David Steele).

Cattle Egret - David Steele

Purple Sandpiper - Ian Enlander

Whooper Swans - Juliet Fleming

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